Seven Families is a charity led campaign to raise awareness of the financial impact of long term illness or disability.
This Action Day is designed to further raise consumer awareness of the financial impact of long term ill health by focusing a range of social media activity across the industry on the same day.
The theme of the campaign is based around the hashtag #ForAllTheCarers and we want to say a big thank you to all the people out there who help those with disabilities and illness.
What we would like you to do:
- Please post, share, like, tweet or retweet the content
- Please tell as many people to join in on the day
- Use the hashtags #ForAllTheCarers & #7Families
You can find the new content for the Action Day here.
There are three new videos to use. The vimeo links will let you download the content where as the YouTube links are for sharing.
As at the end of September there had been 521 pieces of coverage campaign-to-date and 258,086 views of the films across Facebook and You Tube. The Pickfords were also recently featured in The Express.
We think 7Families is a great example of the FS industry working together to create awareness of the need for IP. You can be part of this by sharing.
Many Thanks