Twelve months ago Dynamic Planner launched a significant improvement to their already market-leading risk profiling service – a new 15-question attitude to risk questionnaire.
Feedback from users has been very positive – and usage of the questionnaire has only risen.
But why precisely is the latest questionnaire better? What problems does it address?
When Dynamic Planner, in partnership with Chris Brooks, Professor of Finance, at Henley Business School, devised the 15-question ATR, they wanted it to have a very sound psychological basis.
The 15-question ATR looks into why we feel the way we do and makes sure questions carefully cover every facet of an individual’s personality – emotional, cognitive and behavioural – and how each facet drives, constrains and enables elements of individual personality. By covering each of those areas, you produce a more robust picture of why someone’s attitude to risk is the way it is.
The wording in the questions is clearer in the 15-question ATR, which means your clients have much less chance of being misunderstood resulting in fewer inconsistencies in their answers. Fundamentally, the 15-question ATR is much more sound and quicker to complete.
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