Build an effective cash management system into your clients’ portfolios
Not every financial adviser plays a role in managing their client’s cash deposits yet many clients see cash as a core, long term holding.We know that many advisers are looking at ways to influence clients’ wider portfolios, including cash holdings.At the same time, most advisers would not be keen on taking on all the cash selection and management tasks in -house. With this in mind we think you may be interested to hear more about Deposit Sense.
Deposit Sense in brief:
An Effective Cash Management system so you can:-
- Access the best cash rates for your clients
- Ensure FSCS for your clients’ capital
- Help your clients with a greater proportion of their wealth
- Generate additional income from cash management
Find out More?
To find out more about Deposit Sense you can access a FREE online demonstration to see how the system works, followed by a FREE 30 day trial to see how it fits into your business. More information here>>
Contact Deposit Sense to set up your FREE demonstration and trial on [email protected].
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