You can register now for this event led by Andrew Pike Head of Intermediary Relationships at NS&I and chaired by John Lappin, industry commentator.
Cash is now considered an essential part of any financial plan. The topic of cash deposits and liquidity has become much more important since the Retail Distribution Review, the growth in the holistic financial planning model and the sustained period of uncertainty over the last decade.
This presentation considers the unique position NS&I plays in this evolving market and, more importantly, how NS&I can help you manage the cash deposits element of your clients’ portfolio.
Questions answered
- How does NS&I fit into holistic financial planning?
- What are the options available?
- How can we get easier access to information on our clients’ NS&I holdings?
You can expect to gain a solid understanding of NS&I’s background, operating framework and why they are able to offer 100% security on all funds, even above the FSCS limit.
It will also cover how their unique products fit into your clients’ financial portfolio, whilst also giving you added insight into the world of Premium Bonds.
Ever been told that only newer numbers win Premium Bonds or that you can only win if you live in the South East? Join NS&I’s session for answers to the most common Premium Bond myths. You’ll also hear more about NS&I’s most recent product, Green Savings Bonds… a world first!
An interactive event
Note the event carries Accredited CPD and you’ll have the opportunity to take part in polls during the session and ask your own questions
We hope you can join- it’s set to be a really worthwhile event.
Register now for 10 am July 4th – 45 mins plus questions