Did you know that M&G Treasury & Investment Office - managers for PruFund - were early adopters of investing in music royalties as part of their alternative asset strategy. A relatively new asset class but one that’s resilient in the current economic environment.
Time in market, not market timing
Diversification is at the heart of all PruFund funds. This new sandchart demonstrates just how globally diversified Prudential’s PruFund Growth fund is, how it’s better protected against market volatility and able to take advantage of market opportunities in specific assets.
Take a look at the interactive sandchart
Alternatives play an important role in PruFund, but there’s much more to it. To help you know more, Prudential have got some new interactive sales aids.
No-one can confidently predict when a stock market fall may happen. But what Prudential know is when it occurs it can cause irrational fear which can drive poor client decisions to sell at the wrong time.
All Prudential PruFunds are designed with a long term view (10-15 years). Prudential’s new interactive timeline gives you an idea of market events over the last 15 years, how the PruFund Growth Fund has fared and how the smoothing mechanism has kicked in.
Take a look at the interactive timeline
See how PruFund could work in harmony with your clients’ portfolio on Prudential new PruFund hub