10 January 2019
Investment Manager Snapshot - Looking at T. Rowe Price
From an adviser perspective there is certainly no shortage of investment providers. Yet we think these six quick points give reason to find out more about T. Rowe Price.
Longevity and scale- T. Rowe Price was established in 1937 at the height of the Great Depression. Today, the firm has expanded to 16 countries and manages $1.08 trillion for clients.
Breadth of proposition- the global investment company has capabilities across equity, fixed income and multi asset (including retirement solutions) and offers a broad range of strategies across capitalisations, sectors, styles and regions.
Resources- one of the industry’s largest and most experienced buy-side global research platforms, incorporating 595 investment professionals across equity, fixed income and multi-asset. An emphasis on first hand insights as an antidote to “group- think”.
Independent mind set- a group of people with varied backgrounds and experiences who think differently, challenge the consensus and bring unique perspectives to the investment decision-making process as an enduring source of differentiation.
Performance driven analysts - motivated and incentivised to find investment ideas. Rather than simply allowing them to make buy/sell hold recommendations in a vacuum, analysts are rewarded if their ideas actually generate returns for client portfolios.
Consistently meeting expectations- 81% of T. Rowe Price SICAV funds with a 5 year track record have outperformed their Morningstar Category Median (as of 30 September 2018)
For more information
For further information on T. Rowe Price, research platform or products, please contact the UK Relationship Management team on 020 7002 4372 or [email protected] or go to T. Rowe Price to see more about the business and how it could work for you and your clients.
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