This accredited monthly e-journal offers you expert articles, covering knowledge and skills topics, plus technical and regulatory updates and access to 1 hour of structured CPD throughout the year.
Learning Outcomes
By reading this edition of Advice Matters and applying your learning you will be able to:
- Understand the FCA’s stance on vulnerable customers
- Discuss the stats aligned to the increase in vulnerable customers due to Covid-19
- State the 4 key drivers of vulnerability
- Be aware of the FCA instructions and updates on the requirements and expectations of firms dealing with those that could be vulnerable due to Covid-19
- Clarify the impact of the 5MLD
- Recall the 3 main areas of the focus of the 4MLD
- Explain the main drivers of the 5MLD
- Consider the impact of EU regulation on Money laundering Regulation and how that might change post Brexit
- Be aware of the area of the FCA website that is dedicated to providing up to date information for firms and consumers on Covid-19
- Clarify the requirement the FCA is placing in light of Covid-19 on the different sectors within financial services
Summary of the session
60 minutes of structured CPD
Pass = 5 out of 6