Summary of the session
30 minutes structured CPD
Integrating ESG into the investment process:
- Scoring ESG factors
- How a disciplined investment process with ESG factors at its core does not just provide a ‘feel-good factor’; it can improve returns.
Learning objectives
The learning objectives of this session are:
- Gain an appreciation of the importance of responsible investment and the role ESG plays in it.
- Achieve clarity on what ESG means in terms of its practical application – given the absence of a clear market definition – and how it may be embedded in organisational culture by its integration into the ‘3 levels of sustainability’ – Corporate, Portfolio and Stock.
- Understand how ESG may be used to drive positive change in companies, the vital part it can play in effective risk management through appropriate scoring and the impact that poor referencing to ESG is known to have on business performance.
- Understand the benefits of integrating engagement and ESG into the investment process by considering a number of practical examples.
Pass = 4 out of 5
For further information about sustainable investing from Hermes Investment please contact [email protected]