01 October 2017
Dampier says investors should not neglect the UK
These are fractious times, but markets still seem to be remarkably robust. In such circumstances, Hargreave Lansdown’s Mark Dampier suggests that investors should not neglect UK equities while incidentally wishing that the UK never has a referendum again.
The FCA appears to be taking a softly, softly approach to MIFiD II compliance, at least so far and will not clamp down hard from next year. Given the lack of guidance apparently due to allowing European regulators to take the lead, that at least feels like a reasonable stance.
As the Prudential increases its salesforce numbers, Money Marketing asks is the man (and presumably woman) from the Pru back on the road.
There are some concerns about FCA proposals to allow applications for power of attorney to be completed online rather than requiring a written signature. Lawyers are concerned about scamming the elderly. Is regulatory convenience trumping consumer protection?
Tisa’s Adrian Boulding suggests that the UK is drowning in a sea of small pot pensions.
Stephen Lansdown has sold £190m worth of shares in Hargreaves Lansdown although his stake is still a significant 12.3%.
DC pension schemes must supply much more data on charges if requested by their governance body from January 2018 including complicated costings involving transaction spreads.
London house prices are at their weakest for 12 years says Nationwide as Mortgage Strategy reports but one survey shows mortgage approvals rising 7.8 per cent nationally.
Investment Week asks whether fund managers will choose Copenhagen as their European hub. It’s a great city but your reviewer doubts it.